Title. Hors Les Murs Mermoz Sud
Date. April 2019
This is the work created as part of the Hors Les Murs Mermoz Sud workshop, directed by Yannick Hoffert along with Collectif Pourquoi Pas, Cie Augustine Turpaux and researcher in political sociology Thomas Arnera.
This workshop takes place in a district in Lyon (France) and during which we aim to help the architects of Collectif Pourquoi Pas, the actors of Cie Augustine Turpaux and researcher Thomas in their project of artistic accompaniment.
As Architecture students, our guideline was to create a microdevice that would ideally gather multiple characteristics:
mobile, for it would be a staging device
a toolbox, in order to transport tools and kits for multiple missions
exposure stage, in order to expose research and other works
scenography device, an object that would occupy the space, help sit down the audience, help the actors in creating a scenery
The production of the device started as an experimental phase, as we have found a cart that we could modify using our on-site tools, the help of passing locals, and multiple materials. Our main method of gathering construction materials : gleaning.
Throughout the conception and production periods, we have relied on multiple methods to visualise our end product. We have worked with sketches, journals, a 3D model based off of the original cart, on-site tests, theoretical research, "client" feedback, etc.
Our final product is Charrette, an unfoldable display / table / stage / cart / box / shelter / bench. This is the work of our entire class, comprised of multiple 2nd and 4th year students.